Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mark's log

Long shadows over the golf course green rice fields toward the end of a day in the saddle. The light off Karina's Zoco bike reflectors shining back from this sunset on the way to Cha Am.

We leave our "stonking big 20 storey hotel" and wind our way along the quiet secondary roads, the coast to the left and the bike compass pointing east nothing can go wrong, right.

A wrong turn to a dead end reveals a white beach, lounges with bikinied beauties, a needed rest for Walter and the second best lemon smoothy this trip.

Black road surfaces are a handy thing to drive on, or dry coffee, rice, fruit, yams, hay or sort prawns. It's okay, traffic can wait and go around. "Road user" has a broader meaning here.

In typical Walter timing we stop for lunch with a proprietor that understands vegetarian food and the rain storm hits. We wait it out then continue through the town seeing dozens of monkeys lining the road which turns into a sand and pot-holed beach track which the Zocos handle like a regular MTB, unlike my old steel roadie that kicks and tracks while following the tail lights of a kind lady leading the way on her moped to Huai Yang.


Anonymous said...

Was that Mark Collins or Mark Twain writing the log? Well told.
I do remember that rainy moment but you were a bit generous saying Jim's long gone.You also could have included the bit where I held on to your bike, pretty well spent, and you towed me me for about 15 kms into Danang. Thanks mate. Jim

Ree Trebilco-Loane said...

Great writings Mark, love the shadows, Karina looking especially relaxed, not even a hint her bum is caning, :(.
Good stuff, keep it coming :)
Miss hearing about Bike Chi & Bike China Jim!!

The previous adventure!

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